Aaniin! Jaymie Campbell ndizhinikaaz. Nishnaabekwe ndaaw. Nindoodem mukwa. Curve Lake First Nation - Gaawaategamaag ndoonjibaa. New Denver BC - unceded Sinixt Territory niin shigoo daaya. Nimiigwechiwendam. My name is Jaymie Campbell and I am Anishnaabe from Curve Lake First Nation in Ontario but currently reside on unceded Sinixt territory in New Denver, BC. I am of mixed heritage and my mother’s family is Scottish, Ukranian and Polish, though our families strongest ties are to Scotland. I was raised by my parents, Lindsay and Heather, and owe them a great deal of gratitude for being a constant source of support and encouragement. Chi miigwech. I was born in the Rocky Mountains, in Jasper, Alberta and grew up on the lake in Southern British Columbia. As a child, I moved home to Curve Lake with my family and spent my teenaged years in Ontario. I attended Lakehead University in Thunder Bay, and graduated with two Bachelor Degrees in Biology and Outdoor Recreation. Upon completing University, I returned to the mountains in the West and moved North to the community of Grande Cache in Alberta. Here, I worked in a Cree community for seven years as an Associate Director and worked on consultation, community building, negotiation and protection of land. It was here I discovered my passion for policy, governance and capacity building within our communities. I had the great fortune of being mentored by elders and traditional knowledge keepers of this community and others, also discovering my deeper calling to artistry and design. I am a wife, daughter, auntie and sister. I love the outdoors, paddling, writing, travelling and photography. Most days you can find me nestled in with my pup reading, writing or beading. My hope is to translate my passion into jewelry and fashion that resonates within our Indigenous communities and beyond. Chi Miigwech.